
IBM Health Corps


In 2018, I was chosen to join IBM Health Corps, a 1 month long engagement where a team focuses on a particular healthcare related challenge. In Utah, healthcare provider disproportion is a huge problem, with 80% of the population living in 20% of the cities. Rural areas are understaffed and larger areas are underutilized. Collaborating with the Utah Medical Education Council (UMEC) and the  Utah Health Education Centers (UHEC), we set out to give them a solution & a path to move forward.


Over the course of one month and through the usage of the Design Sprint process, Enterprise Design Thinking, and many late nights, we provided them a concept for a gap analysis tool which used their existing data model to predict what health care needs are per county. This data model can help providers properly staff, train, and deploy healthcare professionals throughout the state, which would have a lasting impact on school budgets, state budgets, health and human services.


  • Optimization Model using their data
  • Minimum Viable Experience Gap Analysis Tool
  • Front end UI to be implemented
  • A 2 Year Roadmap with features, UX, and UI solutions
  • Documentation to understand everything
  • Connected the UMEC to everyone who can help them move the project forward
  • Job Descriptions in order to hire people to take over the project
  • Legislative faith with Utah state congresspeople

Collaborated with

1 UX Engineer/Front End Developer
1 Back End Developer
1 Distinguished Engineer
1 Data Scientist
1 Project Lead/Architect

Date: 2018
Client: IBM
Role: Design Strategy / Design Thinking / Design Research / UXD / UI